Incrível: Parque Nacional Lençois Maranhenses
Words cannot adequately describe some of the incredible (incrível) sights that I saw this weekend. This weekend, we flew to São Luís, a city in the state of Maranhão. From São Luis we journeyed by bus to Parque Nacional Lençois Maranhenses. Below are some photos from the national park. I plan to post an account of our trip tomorrow night, including an account of some of our travel difficulties, but the pictures will certainly do a better job of conveying some of the incredible views from the weekend.
Arrival in Barreinha, a town near the National Park

On the Ferry

Magnificent Sand Dunes

More Magnificent Sand Dunes

Lakes between the Dunes

More Magnificence

Chris Enjoying the National Park

Nearing Sunset

Nearing Sunset

Traveling in the Park by Boat

Journeyring through a Narrow Channel


Chris and Chris give every Brazilian's favorite gesture

Swimming in the river

Atop a Lighthouse

Heading Back Downriver

Flat Tire - and no Chris B. was not actually involved in changing the tire...

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