Photo Update: Centro and a Look at Rodolfo Teófilo
This week's photo update includes photos from shopping in the Centro neighborhood, as well as some photos from the neighborhood where I currently live, Rodolfo Teófilo. For those of my friends who have suggested that I have posted too many beautiful beach photos, this week's update includes no such photos...
Shopping at an Open Market in Centro

Puppies in Centro

Rodolfo Teófilo Correios (Post Office)

Banco de Leite Humano (Leite=milk,Banco=bank,Humano=human,de=of)
Yes, this is exactly what it sounds like...

Rua Professor Costa Mendes, a main road in Rodolfo Teófilo

Chris Studying Portuguese

As always, I welcome comments, questions, or advice on dealing with the Brazilian embassy and Federal Polce of Brazil, who continue to ignore me.
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