Today, after what seems like weeks of attempts, I finally have confirmed flights for my journey to Fortaleza. Over the last three weeks or more, making these arrangements have seemingly lead to problem after problem. Initially, our departure date kept changing, ranging from July 31 to August 15. Last week, August 2 finally emerged as our target date. Then, it seemed that I would find reasonable itineraries only to see them disappear before I could get them booked through the program. Finally, late last week, I found a suitable itinerary, but had more problems getting the flights booked due to issues related to how the flights were being paid for by a third-party, which required additional verification to be submitted. Today, at last, all of the issues seem to have resolved, and I can finally state with reasonable confidence that I will be leaving the U.S. for Brazil on August 2, 2006.
My journey will be a bit circuitous, departing Philadelphia along with my fellow Fogarty fellow, Ben, at roughly 12:30 pm, bound for Miami, Florida. After a five hour layover there, we will board the plane which will carry us on the remainder of our journey to Fortaleza. We'll leave Miami at around 8:30 pm, and will ultimately reach Fortaleza at 8 am on August 3rd. En route to Fortaleza, our flight will have brief stopovers in Manaus, Brazil and Belem, Brazil in the Amazon region, but these stopovers will each be an hour or less, in the middle of the night, and without a change of plane.
Its good to finally have a reasonably concrete itinerary, now I will set out to finalize visa arrangements, while also studying for a surgery oral exam and surgery written exam which will occur next week.
My updated schedule for the next weeks:
Today - June 20 Neurosurgery Rotation
June 21 Surgery Oral Exam
June 22 Surgery Written Exam
June 23 - July 2 Study for USMLE Step 2
July 3 USMLE Step 2 in Lynchburg
July 5-19 Orientation for Fogarty-Ellison Program at NIH in Bethesda, MD
July 20 - 28 Lab orientation at UVA
July 31 Move out of Charlottesville, travel to Conowingo, MD
August 2 Departure